Shades of Green

Control for Your Lawn

Lawn insects typically feed in two different ways.   Grubs feed below ground on the roots and Chinch bugs and Sod Webworms  feed on the actual grass blades above ground. Occasionally Fall Armyworms also feed on your lawn and cause damage. Our experts will properly identify the pest and develop a sustainable management plan. 


Our lawn care team utilizes preventative and curative treatments when needed and applied effectively at the proper time. Timely treatments are critical to manage and protect your lawn from turf destroying insects. Our comprehensive lawn care program will effectively manage these pests so that you can have a lush green lawn! 

Lawn & Turf Insect Control

White Grub

Fall Armyworm

Sod Webworm

Chinch Bug

Contact us at 215-428-1323 to determine the presence and severity of these pests and to discuss available treatment options.

Tick Control

Our effective tick control program is important in protecting your family’s health without compromising your property. Ticks are more than just a nuisance – they can carry dangerous diseases that can be passed between people and pets and should not be taken lightly.  We also provide an 100% organic  option treatment to deter ticks from your outdoor spaces. 

Deer & mice are primary carriers of ticks. We provide safe deer repellent applications to deter deer. We also have tubes to control ticks feeding on mice. These tick tubes are filled with cotton containing insecticide, which kills the ticks and leaves the mice unharmed.

Mosquito Control

Not only do mosquitoes wreak havoc on outdoor summer gatherings and barbeques, but they can also spread dangerous viruses such as Zika, West Nile and more. With the increasing prevalence of diseases like these, it is more important than ever to take precautionary measures to keep your family safe from the dangers of mosquitoes. Our comprehensive approach is best suited for any yard size, with our professional spray treatments that will leave the area insect-free. Our team of experienced professionals use up-to-date equipment and techniques in order to protect your family and home from mosquitoes.

Our mosquito control program provides targeted NATURAL BASED treatments every 3 to 4 weeks starting in late Spring and continuing through late Fall, as needed.

Contact Us For Quality Insect Control Services For Your Lawn

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