Tree & Shrub Diseases
For many Bucks County residents, maintaining healthy trees and shrubs is a battle against nature. Common diseases like Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm Disease and Fire Blight are a prevalent threat to the health of local trees. It’s important to get regular inspections from our ISA certified arborists to determine if treatments are necessary. We offer tree and shrub inspections and comprehensive disease control services. Early detection and treatment, if needed, is the key to managing tree and shrub diseases.
Tree & Shrub Disease Control
Have one of our ISA Certified Arborists inspect your property and identify the tree and shrub species that are prone to disease. We will then be able to develop treatment plans to keep your trees and shrubs healthy. Early detection as well as professional treatment is critical in the control, management, and prevention of tree and shrub diseases. The longer you wait the tougher the process is to control the disease.
When it comes to tree diseases, early detection and treatment are crucial. Without proper identification and treatment, a fungal infection can weaken or kill your trees. Our ISA Certified Arborists will quickly diagnose what’s affecting your tree so we can provide it with the best possible treatment. This can reduce the risk of diseases spreading to more trees on your property.
Shrub Disease Identification
The beauty of our landscape is often found in the greenery that surrounds us. Shrubs add depth and character to our surroundings, creating a serene and calming atmosphere. However, the health of our shrubs can be threatened by diseases that can attack them. Identifying these diseases early is crucial in saving their lives. Even the slightest of symptoms can indicate a deadly disease that can kill your shrubs within weeks.
If you believe your shrubs are infected, contact us right away. Our experienced team are experts in shrub disease identification and can easily identify any potential diseases that are affecting your shrubs. Not only will we identify the problem, but we will also provide the solution to save your precious shrubs. By hiring Shades of Green, you can be assured of healthy and long-lasting shrubs that will continue to brighten your garden for years to come.
Shrub Disease Treatment
If you’re a resident in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, chances are you’ve come across shrub diseases from time to time. From powdery mildew to rust and blight, there are a variety of common diseases that can afflict shrubs in our region. Fortunately, we offer specialized shrub disease treatments to help keep your plants healthy and thriving. With our expert knowledge and experience in dealing with shrub diseases in Bucks County we can diagnose and treat any issue your shrubs may be facing.
Additionally our shrub disease treatment has an organic option that allows us to avoid the use of harmful chemicals. These treatments are not only better for the environment, but also for your family and pets.
Is My Sycamore Tree Dead?
We get this question regularly around this time of the year! No, but the fungal disease Anthracnose will cause premature leaf drop, stem and twig dieback, cankers, and sudden death of almost all of the tree’s new shoots. Repeat infections over the lifespan of trees will leave them more stressed and susceptible to other diseases and pest activity. Proper pruning, correct insect and disease management, and appropriate nutrient applications are the best way to manage this disease. The tree on the left is an American Sycamore, the tree on the right is a London Plane. Both are susceptible to Anthracnose but the London Plane tree is proving to be more resistant at this time. London Plane trees naturally hybridized by a cross between an Oriental Plane Tree and American Sycamore. In the past, this greater resistance to Anthracnose led London Plane trees to be more widely used for street tree plantings -replacing American Sycamores. They too are prone to other devastating diseases and proper maintenance and care is essential. This photo was taken in Bucks County. If any of your trees look sick and are dropping leaves, give us a call so we can save them before it is too late!!
Oak Tree Preservation
Bacterial Leaf Scorch is a systemic disease of many shade trees including Maples and Oaks and ultimately is fatal. Typical symptoms on Oaks is premature browning and scorching of leaves, and early leaf drop during the Summer months. This disease is transmitted to healthy trees from infected Leaf Hoppers (insects) which are carriers of the specific bacterium which causes Bacterial Leaf Scorch. This Oak in the picture has it and we have been managing it now for several years. As always it is best to be proactive and provide the proper care for your trees while they are healthy to achieve their true beauty and preservation. Insects and disease typically affect stressed and declining trees. Remember to get the proper care for your trees before it is too late!
Elm Tree Preservation
At one time the American Elm tree was the most extensively planted shade tree in our awesome country. Unfortunately all native Elm trees specifically American Elm, are susceptible to and died from Dutch Elm Disease. We have been preserving several large specimens like this one here and many others for over 20 years. Please call if you have any large trees that need to be cared for properly.
Common Tree Diseases in Bucks County, PA

Apple Scab

Cedar Apple Rust


Verticillium Wilt

Powdery Mildew

Fire Blight

Needle Cast